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VicWater Annual Conference 2024
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Session 1



11:00 am

11 September 2024

Session Program

Climate change is expected to see a drying trend across south-eastern Australia, punctuated by episodes of extreme rainfall as La Nina and El Nino events become more common. This poses a challenge for Victoria’s agriculture sector, across both dryland and irrigated operations, livestock and cropping. It will also challenge Victoria’s water supplies. This presentation considers some of the risks as well as possible opportunities for investment.


Steve Cusworth, Managing Director, FPL Advisory


  • Rebecca Billings, Commissioner, ESC
  • Lee Miezis, Chief Executive Officer, EPA
  • Kasper Maat, Director, Regulatory Compliance and Operations – Environment, Dept. Health

Maintaining good regulatory outcomes in an increasingly challenging economy. How do we balance health, environment and customer?

The Victorian water sector’s key regulators: the Essential Services Commission, the Environment Protection Authority and Department of Health join to discuss their respective regulatory postures and visions for delivering a comprehensive regulatory framework for Victoria’s water sector.

Facilitator: Tai Hollingsbee, Head of Sustainability, Asia Pacific, GHD


  • Jo Murdoch, Managing Director, North East Water
  • Nerina Di Lorenzo, Managing Director, Melbourne Water

Businesses are changing to understand, measure and meet targets relating to a myriad of sustainability ambitions. Culture, decision making and changing the behaviour of groups of people in a business, is complex.

In this session we will explore GHD’s experience working with global brands like Apple and McDonald’s, on their sustainability transformation journey.  We will compare this with work that the Victorian water sector is undertaking now, and the role of leadership in driving this change, to benefit our communities. We will ask: How can small changes have a meaningful impact and broader benefits to the customer?